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Tripawd Pawrents Describe Post-Amputation Pain Relief with Farabloc

After amputation surgery some dogs will experience phantom limb pain. This type of post-amputation condition occurs when a severed nerve “thinks” that the limb is still attached to the body. The nerve is trying to control a limb that doesn’t exist.

A dog may have phantom pain if she:

  • Constantly looks behind her to see if the leg is there
  • Attempts to move the area where the limb was
  • Randomly cries out with loud, sharp shrieks
  • Has light muscle twitching in the incision area
  • Shakes or pants (which could also indicate general post-op pain)

Forward-thinking vets like Tripawds own Dr. Pam Wiltzius are helping to prevent and manage phantom pain by prescribing the drug Gabapentin (also known as Neurontin) both before and after amputation surgery. However like all drugs, Gabapentin has the potential to induce side effects such as sedation and diarrhea.

For pawrents who want to lessen the use of drugs in their animal’s daily post-op regimen, the Farabloc EMF Shield Blanket may be a good alternative.

Phantom Pain Relief with Farabloc

Farabloc is a non-pharmaceutical phantom limb pain therapy that can alleviate pain in amputees (humans and animals alike) by shielding the body from man-made and environmental electromagnetic fields (EMF).

This holistic post-amputation product is made with a lightweight, linen-like fabric infused with a special pattern weave of ultra-thin stainless steel and nylon thread that’s designed to shield the body from high frequency electromagnetic fields. Studies show the absence of EMFs may reduce pain and improve recovery. Farabloc can be used to help alleviate phantom limb pain, or just reduce general post-op pain.

You can read more about Farabloc in this Tripawds Gear Blog post but in the meantime, this interesting testimonial by  Tripawd pawrents gives a compelling testimonial about how it worked for their dog:

Is Farabloc Right for Your Tripawd?

We had a pawsitive experience with Farabloc when using it on Tripawds Spokesdog Wyatt Ray. However as with any holistic product, the Farabloc solution may have a diverse range of effects on different dogs or it may not improve phantom limb pain conditions at all.

Before you buy a Farabloc blanket, you’ll need to decide if this is something that can work for your Tripawd. First, research and get more information about Farabloc to see if it’s something you want to try. You can even send your questions to Farabloc’s representative Dr. Don Nixdorff. Since there are no returns for this product, please consider your purchase carefully.

And if you do use Farabloc we would love to hear more about your experience. Please contact us to share your Farabloc story.

Thanks for shopping with the Tripawds community!
A portion of Farabloc proceeds helps us cover the high costs of keeping the Tripawds infrastructure running smoothly.

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